Saturday, 10 March 2012

Creating the 'Stokey Nation' Website

We was asked to first create a pretend website for the schools compilation CD called 'The Stokey Nation', it was meant to allow us to develop and become accustomed to the '' features and capabilities, whilst understanding its strengths and limitations. Below are some screenshots and explanations of what I was able to do with a partner.

First thing was choosing a reasonable webpage layout, after this we began by adding the title of our webpage ('The Stokey Nation').

Next thing we thought of was changing the background to something more suitable, this we believed to be the actual CD cover that it a picture in a previous post.

Next, we added an introductory paragraph outlining what the website is about, then we added some affects in the way of sparkles that hover over the home page, this links in with some of ideas in the introductory paragraph "create stars of the future".

Next thing we done was screen shot some pictures from the schools actual website and pictures of Stoke Newington School students that are doing music related activites and put them onto a slideshow of pictures that appear on the homepage. To all of these things we added a transparency effect to make sure the background was still visible.

Below is a preview of our final front page of the "Stokey Nation" webpage

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